Yukiko Noritake, a Japanese illustrator based in Paris since 2015, expresses in her works a unique sensibility shaped by her journey between Japan and France. Inspired by nature, travel, everyday life, and shades of color, her illustrations are imbued with delicacy, poetry, and elegance and have quickly conquered the world of French illustration.
A specialist in floral themes for many years, Yukiko has created a new 'Fleurs d'intérieur' set that brings a touch of elegance to living spaces. On deliberately sober backgrounds, leaves and flowers in delicate colors ascend gracefully, covering the entire height of the wall. Every detail evokes the natural subtleties seen in a garden, transforming interiors into sumptuous tapestries of botanical beauty.
Walls are not always perfectly rectangular. We advise you to add a safety margin to your dimensions (1.18 to 2 inches).
Your design will be cut into strips (maximum width: 29.5 inch).
Available on non-woven paper (lightfast, paste the wall, washable, dry-tear able) or High Performance Contract (scrubbable and impact resistant, PVC free).
Be aware that non-woven paper is not totally opaque. In case of dark or colored wall please apply an undercoat or a liner.
Photography ©living4media
Isidore Leroy
Yukiko Noritake
Made in France