Punt Mobles was founded in 1980 bythe Valencian designer Vicent Martínez together with designer Lola Castelló. “The first stage of Punt Mobles was pure passion for design, it was a vital project and somehow somewhat thoughtless. This first stage must be placed in a historical context. Young designers, who become entrepreneurs, without ceasing to be designers, in a Valencian society, where design was neither understood nor valued, except by a sensitive minority”.
Punt is currently a boutique company, where you can find different types of products, although storage is par excellence the best-selling part but you can also find all kinds of products with a strong differentiating value. In short, "a product of high quality, which is treated in an artistic way", argues José Manuel. And he continues: “with our expertise, know-how and the artisan workmanship, we generate, together with design, sculptural pieces.That is why we speak of Art in Design, of treating design as if it were a sculpture, thinking in the details, in the combination of materials and in generating products where artisan workmanship and know-how experience is always reflected in each piece ”.