Dialogue with light Painting by Santa & Cole

Dialogue with light Painting by Santa & Cole
Dialogue with light Painting by Santa & Cole - Additional Image - 1
Dialogue with light Painting by Santa & Cole - Additional Image - 2

Dialogue with light Painting by Santa & Cole

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Dialogue with light Painting by Santa & Cole

Interior spaces symbolise and represent Carmen Galofre s psychological space, her own interior, and beyond the window, exterior space. This is a theme that has haunted her throughout her life: the dichotomy between being and the world, figuration and abstraction, form and emptiness, and so on.

This painting establishes a dialogue with light, mystery, with almost no shadows and an atmosphere that pervades everything. Polarity and unity in an unyielding dance and dialogue.


Santa & Cole


W 86.61" x L 42.52"

Designed by:

Carmen Galofre

Made in Spain

12 Weeks

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