Studio Klass, renowned for their meticulous approach to design, once again transforms interiors into dreamscapes of architectural beauty with the introduction of the Arial boiserie and door system.
Inspired by the iconic Arial typeface, known for its clean lines and effortless readability, the Arial system of boiserie and doors seamlessly blends into any living space, serving as a versatile backdrop for everyday life. From its distinctive decorative panels to its versatile door configurations, Arial pushes the boundaries of the traditional boiserie and offers bespoke solutions tailored to each space's unique contours.
Formed with lightweight yet durable aluminum profiles in Iris and Pewter finishes, Arial's structure is available in oak essence, sunrise oak, coffee oak, and black oak. With a myriad of accent options, including matte and glossy lacquer and the luxurious Blend textile from the Gliss Master range, Arial ensures integration into any interior
. Attention to detail extends to the skirting board and upper frame, offering three customizable solutions to meet the most specific requirements.
Molteni & C
Studio Klass
aluminum profiles, oak
Made in Italy